Isle of Wight Nostalgia - South Wight Chines

South Wight chines

The most famous of the Island's chines must be Blackgang or Shanklin. A Chine is simply where running water has carved a path through the cliff. In fact the chine at Blackgang is hardly evident anymore. However other Chines along the South Coast are dramatic and very much in evidence. This telephoto view shows telltale signs of chines along the tops of the cliffs

South Wight chines

The walkers to the top right give some impression of scale.

South Wight chines

The geology here is stunning. This is the section of coast where dinosaur bones have been discovered.

South Wight chines

South Wight chines

On this trip the rickety path to the shore has been damaged by winter storms.

South Wight chines

Note the strata in the sandstone cliffs. Beyond are the chalk cliffs overlooking Freshwater.

South Wight chines

South Wight chines

South Wight chines

South Wight chines

South Wight chines

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