Isle of Wight Nostalgia - Godshill Village - 2

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

The real charm of the village can be lost on a busy summer Sunday afternoon, but is evident in these pictures taken on a Saturday in early April.

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

The Bat's Wing seen here in the 1980's. The road at this time allowed only light vehicles or buses.

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

No less atractive in 2002. For some reason according to the signposts just out of shot in this view the weight restriction has been lifted, a width limit imposed & buses banned!

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Note the union flag to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee in June 2002. The dense cirrus cloud signalled the end of some fine sunny weather on this occasion.

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Across the road the Hollies tea garden is looking good

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Beside the Hollies is the Old Smithy gift shop and garden.

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