Isle of Wight Nostalgia - Memories

From Bob Channing

My name is Robin Channing. I now reside in Auckland, New Zealand. I went to boarding school, in 1969, at Bembridge School. My memories of life there are somewhat vague but I do remember having to walk down the main driveway to the "Old House", from the refectory, in the thick sea fog that use to roll in from the Channel. I would have to use the sound of the ropes clanging on the flagpoles as a guide because you could not see your hand in front of your face, it was that thick. My life in the school was only a brief one as my father (since deceased 1990) decided to emigrate to New Zealand. So if there is anyone out there who remembers me or the days of term in 1969, then please contact me. I am also found at

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