Isle of Wight Nostalgia - Guest Gallery - Basil Scott-Evans

A Song for the Isle

Pastel Montage by Basil Scott-Evans

This pastel montage is by the celebrated mainland artist Basil Scott-Evans. Entitled "A song for the Isle", it is further described as "an occasional sight of the Wight from Dyke Downs behind Hove - sunset after a sou'wester". Hove is near Brighton on the mainland, some miles from the Island - however the Island can be seen on a clear day with good visibility - especially after a shower following the passing of a 'cold front'.

To compliment the painting a piece of music has been composed, arranged and played by Peter Pheby, with very special thanks to Derek Hicks. The music is entitled 'Solent'. Click here to hear the music.

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Painting ©2001 Basil Scott-Evans
Song 'Solent' ©2001 P Pheby
Isle of Wight Nostalgia Site ©1998-2002 Dave Parker

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